Monday 28 October 2013

Branding Trends in The 1980s


Buildings age and become dilapidated
Machines wear out
People die
But what lives on are the brands

Coca-Cola: The 1980s was a time of much change for the Coca- Cola brand. The 1980s was an era were people were craze about fitness, when legwarmers and headbands were in vogue. The taste was changed in 1985 after 99 years and was generally know as the new coke. 

Coca-Cola themes in the 80s were
1982 - Coke is it!
1985 - America's Real Choice
1986 - Red White & You (for Coca-Cola Classic)
1986 - Catch the Wave (for New Coke)
1989 - Can't Beat the Feeling. (also used in the UK)

This was in sync with the rebellious trends of the 80s fashion

Dulux brand in 1986 was remodeled with Computer Graphics, having a distinctive layout, minimalism and soft colors

Dulux Ad !986

Dulux Ad 1948

Dulux Ad 1969

Guinness in the 1980s had very striking use of Computer Graphics, varying font styles and sizes, was Bold, colorful, instructive and unique. Soft but yet hard.




Heinz brands's Ketchup was relaunched in 1987 with a new label and package having Computer Graphics, More colors and a Change in shape/functional

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