Monday 28 October 2013

Graphic Trends in The 1980s

Graphic design trends in the 1980s can be said to be in your face, punk, loud and quite colorful. This can be seen in the following designs.

Memphis-Milano Graphic Style in the 1980s had Striking Colors, a Post Punk look and used Geometric Shapes

Digital Design as used in Science Screen Shots in 1980s was characterized by the use of grids, Motifs evoked by science friction and Text fonts based on Computer.

Peter Saville Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark Album cover in 1984 was a unique graphic work. Having Traditional Patterned Textiles, Digital Graphics and Varying front size and styles

Malcom Garett, credit page of his book “ Dark Than Shark” in 1986 used a different grids system having a distinctive layout, minimalism and varying front size and styles.

Some unique graphic designs of this period are shown below

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