Monday 28 October 2013

Textiles in 1980's

  • Nostalgia
     People tended to use floral patterns as furnishing fabrics because of the nostalgia. It still heritaged the notions of tradition and the national identity.

  • Column
     The inspirations of Architectural ornaments in Textiles such as pillar prints, cotton, bold black and white and sympathetically muted shades.

  • New techniques
     Using the screen-printed, spray painting and quilting techniques to make textiles. It allowed people to have confidence, boldness and vision exciting fabrics.
PAULINE BURBIDGE: Patchwork wall hangings

  • Multitude of ideas
      A succession of exciting printed designs displaying a multitude of ideas, textiles became more colorful. including a popular vogue for trompe l' oeil.

People have a choice of  colors

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